The 2016 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries will be held May 24-26, 2016, in Austin, Texas.
The 2016 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries will be held May 24-26, 2016, in Austin, Texas.
Help to build the program for the 2015 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries!
As part of the 2014 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries, library technology expert Karen Coyle will lead a Linked Data Workshop on April 29. Registration for the the workshop is now open.
TCDL 2013 was bigger and better than ever, with record attendance, great keynote talks, and a rich program of presentations, posters, and workshops.
Check out the latest issue of TDL Update, the newsletter of the Texas Digital Library.
The 2012 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries will be held May 24-25, 2012, at the AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center in Austin, Texas.
The January issue of the TDL Update newsletter feature a report on the TDL’s strategic planning process, as well as news about this spring’s Texas Conference on Digital Libraries, DSpace and Vireo upgrades, and more.
Check out the latest issue of TDL Update, the newsletter of the Texas Digital Library, to discover the latest news and learn how TDL is working with its members to advance scholarly communication.