Take the Digital Collections of Texas Survey

Please tell us about your digital collections!

The Texas Digital Library, in collaboration with the Houston Public Library and the University of North Texas Libraries, is conducting a statewide survey of archives, museums, and libraries to learn more about the breadth and scope of digital collections across Texas. This survey is part of an LSTA grant-funded project to prototype an aggregation service that will collect metadata from the state’s digital archives for inclusion in the Digital Public Library of America, making those collections more discoverable and promoting greater re-use. You can learn more about our grant-funded project on the TDL website.

If you work with archives, special collections, or digital repositories at your Texas-based institution, we invite you to tell us about your collections through the survey questionnaire at the link below. The survey will ask you about the types of collections you maintain, as well as metadata standards and technology platforms used to support your digital collections.

Click here to take the survey

(or copy and paste this link into your browser: https://utexas.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3KSUHDNlvAwvYjz

We estimate it will take about 10 minutes to complete, and we encourage all institutions to participate, even if you do not currently maintain digital collections. The survey will remain open until Tuesday, December 20.

Please feel free to share widely with those you know who are working with digital collections. If you have questions or concerns about the survey, please contact Weixuan Fu at the Texas Digital Library at weixuan@utexas.edu



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